Will the 2008+ Challengers (and other current Pony Cars) ever be classics?

And they will do the same. You underestimate today's kids. By the time the can afford one (which will be just another old car) they will know how to do everything we do to our old junk. It's not rocket science to them. They have been brought up with computers and will never really know any different.

I fully agree.

I remember when electronic ignition came out and people said they will never be able to work on their cars again. Now look at what we are doing today and we think it is easy.

Same thing happened with the Model T guys because it had no gearshift at all and that was a major change for that generation.

Times will change and things will evolve with the times.

Think about the way the phones have changed in your lifetime and then you will have an idea of what will happen with vehicles.