Valve covers Question

You want them you plan on havering a pcv valve hope so with out them you will pull oil.You can get the rubber grommet that has a small slit in it so you can run a pcv.ED hows the back,looks like I am joining your club,me back is sad and my left are is toast all on the left side,**** getting old sucksssssssssssssssss,starting to wonder If I will be able to keep my car.
Don, My back is wishywashy. One good day 2 to 3 **** days. Went to Physio today. $80 just to say Hi and what can you do...WTF. Last 3 days have been hell. 4hours constant sleep thats it. TV sucks late at nite early morning..LOL. Sorry to hear about you! Dam man. Hope you come around a hell of alot faster than me. BTW........Heard you on the RADIO........Great song request..LMAO........You take care.:D