Hello Good People!

Like I said, this thread is worthless without pictures and I know this is a cardinal rule on every forum I have ever been a member of (10 years worth) so without further ado as promised I have pics... :D

My dad actually had the car repainted when he worked for a body shop back in his younger days. (As you can tell he was a big Starsky and Hutch fan! :tongue3: )

I am actually quite a bit farther then this now, but here are some work is progress pics of my sanding off all of that old paint. As you can see I needed to sand through about 7 layers of white (that stuff was SO thick), the blue paint, blue paint's primer, green paint, green paint primer, green paint sealer, body filler in a couple places, and possibly 1-2 layers of clear (couldn't really tell when I was doing it. haha):

My sister's boyfriend (big car nut) inspecting my work! haha

And finally the work that was done on the engine:

Tell me what you think!! :toothy7: