free parts

guys,I just want to know if you have ANY parts laying around that you want to get rid of. Im not trying to rip you off:wack: I would never do that and If you have somthing that I want enough I will be willing to pay just Im not collecting fenders,hoods,blocks,ect. anything that could not be shipped The first couple post I had people said that they tried this before and good luck! so Im just wondering what you have laying around. If I want it bad enough for my collection I will make you a serious offer,so it dosnt have to be free,just like up to about $60 Im not going to buy anything big that will cost more then its worth to ship plus I dont have the room for big parts, I hope some of you understand.

Y'know what...there are guys out there who are struggling to keep food on the table while skimping and saving to live out their automotive dreams with a rot bucket Slant Valiant....
You, with your beautiful racecar and tow rig...dude, I would not give you the sweat off my balls if you were dying of thirst.
Do you even have an idea what the word CLASS means?