free parts

I'm sittin here reading this and I am blown away!..... I'm all for free! F.O.C rules!
A couple of days ago I offered a newbee some linkage that he needed for FREE. It was something I was not going to use and I wasn't looking to get money out of it. Thought I would hook-up and help out a fellow Mope. Just cover the shipping I asked. Turned out it was not what he was looking for. He thanked me and said "no thanks". He could have taken it anyway and flipped it or hoarded it but he didn't. That kid had more morals than some of our older members.
Another member had a project going and needed it, so he got it!
I DO think a "FREE TO A GOOD HOME" classifieds is a great idea. All you have to do is:
1- pay reasonable shipping,
and 2- Here's the big one!
PROVE YOU NEED THE PARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Show us a photo of your project and your needs. If it's worthy, and thats up to the GIVER then thats AWESOME. Share the Mo-Carma.
Don't try to get rich or be a greedy A-hole!
Fix your cars with a little help from your friends.
Maybe our poster can use his trailer to sell burritos out of at the track for some extra money.

Great idea!