Customer bought an eBay Range Rover sight unseen

I asked him if the factory made bent headlight brackets and broken housings standard on these cars or if it was an option. He didn't get it.

Most folk aren't fluent in sarcasm these days.

From what I've heard about the Rover line, I'm not sure if I would buy one while looking at it, let alone sight unseen.

It's a skill to carefully craft your sarcasm so people that think they are smarter than everyone else won't get it! :) As the dumber group, according to the smarty, laugh their asses off around you.

The know everythings that bring stuff back because it doesn't work... meanwhile, still neatly folded in a sealed packet from the factory, the instructions are still undisturbed and neatly folded.

Range Rover are a great implement for tooling yuppies out of cash...