Spring is in the air garage thread

LOL, spring is not in the air in my garage!! I have the gas furnace heating up now so I can go work on the Valiant, still 3 feet of snow in the yard, not including the 5 feet tall snow banks and huge piles LOL

Cool pics Mike, thanks for sharing!! :glasses7:
Heat is good :glasses7: I hope you had a good day out there Keith, and thank you :glasses7:

I have no build thread, but progress is slow, front fenders are patched and rear quarter is welded in, car is now in primer with the exception of passenger door. waiting for a new used one. new rear axles and wilwood disc all round, and springs are moved in. the trans has been rebuilt with a brewers kit. I have trial fitted 360 magnum with TTI's with the factory 4 sp and may have to go with a hydralic clutch. front suspension is all rebuilt, and now fitting front sway bar. I also just started my home made frame connectors.

Lots more work to get done.
Dang man :colors: you have got allot of work behind you :occasion: Frame connectors are on my to do list and will be building them with the help of a friend and his great shop full of tools :D

Looking good Mike!
It will be looking better after today, Creed came and got his 460 :cheers:
Know I can move some tool boxes to the back wall :D Thank you Joe :glasses7:

Looking good Mike! It's nice that it is nearly summer, at least in some places. This is what we woke up to this morning, it's pretty, but at least it's only temporary! :D
That is a great frost gdrill :colors: Makes me want to do some rabbit hunting looking at those pictures :blob::blob:, memike loves me some rabbit :colors:

This was my driveway and garage about 2 weeks ago. 2 days after I took
the pic, we got 6 inches of snow. Now today they say couple more. Then
early next week some more! Spring is not in the air around here!
Hell, I don't think I'll be able to get my car out on my birthday. 7th of april.:banghead::protest:
I hope it changes for you soon Brian, yea.. We don't get much of a winter here in Northeast Arkansas, spring brings the rain on and know I can work and play in it in Victoria's new nest :colors: