holley blue pump location

You need to listen to the guys above on this one...no one is saying you're going to burn the pump up because you are "pulling" fuel uphill. The fact of the matter is that this pump model is NOT able to function as a puller. Again, it will physically NOT pull fuel out of the tank as you're trying to mount it. The only way you can "rig" it to work is with a check valve to keep fuel in the lines at all times, and you will still have to siphon the gas to the pump the first time, and hope the fuel stays in the lines with a check valve. The holley style pumps simply need the fuel to gravity feed to them...and then they pressurize it and send it up front.
the only thing that will burn up this style pump is dead heading the fuel system without a return line. you'll get a summer or two out of a deadhead system, then be putting another pump on it. I've tried all the above blunders before and trust me...do it right the first time..or you'll be doing it 3 more times.