Anyone into Genealgy ?

i would think Genealogy would be easy for Amercians considering how well Europeans typically kept records......especially of Spainish descent within the Catholic Religion .....they kept excellent records.

i would think going back to Europe....someone has to have records on you guys before your Ancestors got on the Mayflower....and there has to be a reason why they got on the Mayflower.

My Genealogy was easy bcoz i was born in South Central India and my family has been in the same place for what we believe is a couple thousand years from one kingdom that existed in ancient times....i am basically the first person in my line that has ventured off so far from my birthplace. ......but hopefully my offspring will find the records and paper trail from what i am doing now lol

Rani: it's not as easy as some may think. A lot of it's when folks came over from Europe names got changed. Due to language barriers causing misspellings or changes to just fit in in certain areas.
Then the original spellings where lost or forgotten along the way.

I was fortunate enough to go to a family reunion for my dad's side of the family in 1999 one of my distant relatives did a lot of research and gave everyone a copy of the family tree. The unfortunate thing is they could only trace family back to New Brunswick Canada from Ireland. The name was changed for some reason. They came up with some variations of the name but nothing positive. They even contacted relatives in New Brunswick and they weren't sure of the original spelling either. I've tried myself with not much success.

My mother's grandma on her mother's side were from Norway . My grandma had info on her mom and her family from Norway. The town they came from, the name of the ship they came over on , the port of Boston and the date when they went through customs.
The thing was when I went to confirm the date I couldn't find record of my great grandmother. So I used one of her brother's and one of her sister's names and I found her on the list . Her first name was misspell instead of Olufine they spelled it Alufine.
Whether it was written wrong at customs or the data base input who knows.

Her husband who was born in New York city (so he said) is another story he was very elusive about his past and having a common Irish name as John Moore as he did doesn't help either.

Sorry for being long winded just showing some problems folks might have researching their family back grounds. And some of the pros too especially
when you get research handed to you.

Good luck Adam on your endeavor.