Mig welder suggestion


My brother and I own a small manufacturing facility in Decatur, IL. Over the years we have purchased a lot of Mig welders, most new, but some used. 2 things I would do, first search the net for the best reviews on Mig's for the amps you need and then check prices. 2nd, I would call some of the welding supply outfits that sell welders and gas and check with them on rebuilt or good used units. We have gotten some good deals on Millers and ESAB's.

Good luck!

I've looked on craiglist but never thought about asking a welding supply if they'd have a used unit. I've got an IL-Mo right close, I'll give them a call. Tnx for the tip

Find a used Miller, ESAB or Lincoln, 220 volt in the 170-185 amp range.

Millermatic 175
Lincoln 175+, the SP is ok but has tapped voltage.

Tnx Rob. I've used both of those and loved them both. Will keep my eyes open. Unfortunately new prices so far are out of my ballpark unless I can find a sale, or a good used one.

Hey Tracy,I always wanted a Mig welder and had been watching Canadian Tire flyers and Princess Auto(same as Harbor Freight)Then finally a Lincoln 180 came on sale at Canadian Tire for $465.This is when I started my minitub,cage project.So wait for the sales to come up..Spring is coming,so are the sales.Good Luck.
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Man that was a steal Scott. The bad thing is I need one asap. Been looking but so far haven't found a good one on sale, just cheap units.