Tire prices....

Just bought new tires for my car $1,200.00

Could have bought cheaper tires but thought these should be the last tires I buy for this car

Wanted Michelins, so I paid the price

Bought new tires for my truck last year, a little over $700 mounted & balanced and that was cheap tires what I wanted would have been $1,100. When I was checking for them the year before but waited, could have gotten the better tire for $800, then read right before I went to get them tire prices jumped 20-25%

The tires I replaced on the Explorer were Michelins...they had right around 85k on them. Had some tread left but I picked up a bolt in the right rear so....Will need tires for my truck in the not to distant future....and with it being a diesel I like the heavier tires on it. Last time I bought tires for it a few years back it was right around a grand.

Just took the bike for a quick trip down the dirt road and back.....need to add a set of handlebars to my list above. I had a friend make a set and they just are not right, they are twisted a bit.:oops: Riding a bike with bent bars plays tricks with your brain.