Tire prices....

Couple that with the $800 or so on a pipe
Dunno what the hell sort of pipes you're putting on that thing, but at that price it better be a collaboration effort between Jesse James and the ghost of Indian Larry! :| Have you checked JP Cycles yet??

the $800 it will be to get a custom seat made
I fabbed my own out of 1/8" steel, 3/16" flat stock (for reinforcing straps) and a gate hinge... Came out alright, and only cost me around 20 bucks........

With seat springs, probably 30 bucks. This piece was my very first rust bluing attempt. The pics were taken pre-initial boil, so it's all brown with rust. Originally I was going to spray-glue some regular car seat foam to it and then shape it with a bread/electric/hot knife, then wrap it with junk leather scraps rough-stitched together with rawhide and a big fat bone needle for a total Leatherface look... Had everything ready, but the seat rusted so nice and uniformly that I just HAD to try rust bluing... I may yet still do the Leatherface seat eventually... And yes, those are REAL .50BMG foot pegs.

Also, the most expensive piece I've put on this bike, hands-down, is the taillight:


Not bad for an $80.00 (yes, eighty dollars is what I paid for it) hardware store special... That's right, everything except the 50 brass came from a hardware store..

......it is just down right stupid the amount of money one will spend for some entertainment.....
Yep... But then again, I've always found more entertainment in building it yourself, instead of just bolting a bunch of random catalog bullcrap to it... Maybe because I'm also a broke m.f. and can't do like you rich guys and just say "I want that" and just toss it on... And completely alien to me is the concept of paying someone to do something I could do...

Almost forgot the $450 on a frigging jack :angry7::violent1::banghead:
I really REALLY hope you don't mean a car floor jack.... Have you tried Harbor Freight?

- CK