FABO moderator appreciation day

I changed your signature line...it's childish..uncalled for instigating and furthermore...it's Not Ladylike I consider you a friend and don't need the extra turmoil from you or him or superdart426...I spent last month in the hospital with my mom and now i'm sleepin in a piece of crap chair in a hospital with rania and ya'll need to grow the hell up....PERIOD! at least your gittin some sleep. If I have to change anyones signature line again their gittin a week off...If ya got nuthin nice to say don't say nuthin and by the way I changed other peoples signature lines rather than givin em a vacation and now that I seen this I will make sure they didn't change them back to some childish bullshit...ya'll need to forgive and forget.....QUIT TOSSIN FUEL INTO THE FIRE...Thank You...Please Drive Thru............Wagg's
12:10 a.m. Central time so I'm good to get in on the Friday FABO Thanks-A-Lot. :-D Very good thread all around! It is indeed a nasty, thankless job and we have the cream of the crop here. I count several of the past / present as valued customers and have had occasion to deal with most of the rest as friends. They do the site a service and are no doubt one of the main reasons FABO is as popular as it is.

Keep up the fine work!! Thanks for doing all you do. :-D < curtsey to all >