.. clear coat / matte finish ..

You know you can get just about any paint put into a spray can right ? Cans are cheap and easy. Not everyone wants to spend $200 on painting a dash. He specifically asked about spray cans not 2K and Im willing to bet 90% of the guys here would do it the same way.

Also if your looking for factory colors for interior parts Herbs Parts has them already mixed in cans.

Local paint shop does a ton of business mixing up rattle cans, I have a few for the black that is on my car......Hell, the bottom of my car was done with Rusteloum that EZ mixed and sprayed. I think my dash & doors were done this way as well......

You can Krylon a dash and achieve a 95% OE finish appearance that will last years.

All for that low price of $8.00....

Just stack light and even coats.

And.... Who gives a crap if it starts to fade in 3-5 years, spend another 8 bucks and give it a light, fresh, top coat.

Si.......and that is a big 'IF".......