Classic cars in cold weather it worth it?

I currently live about a 3 hour drive from Hyder Alaska. Still quite a ways from Anchorage, but north of the 53'rd parallel. There is a significant car culture despite the BC government's attempts to extinguish anything they do not see as green. The climate up here is milder than you would expect. Winnipeg Manitoba is considerably colder. Minnesota and North Dakota are colder. Rust on your car is not as acute a problem as it is down in the rust belt. You can deal with cold weather and snow by keeping your car clean. Road salt is the enemy and it's use is not widespread. They do spread a lot of grit and it's pretty coarse, marble to golf ball sized gravel and it's tough on windshields. Of course, the classics are put away from October to May. Main roads are paved, but the highway to the Yukon and Alaska, (Hwy 37) can close for days at a time due to snow or slides. 4WD makes sense, but there are plenty of 2WD cars driven year round.

Being a confirmed prairie chicken, I'm leaving all this for the colder climate of Melville Saskatchewan in a few months. Mountains are blocking the view!