Classic cars in cold weather it worth it?

A former co-worker in AZ bought his first hot road since living there. All I heard when he was looking for it was how it was going to get driven to work several times a week no matter what. His dd, a pickemup with a/c broke and the car was forced into a dd status.....the next time I seen the car at work after the truck was fixed was after the temps dropped out of triple digits. No a/c, headers, black seats, minimal insulation etc gets old real quick in triple digits. I rode a bike for the first six years in AZ, once I got a vehicle with a/c I did not ride for several years. Keep in mind that often times in the Phoenix area the temp is still in the triple digits at mid night. Several folks I still talk to down there are wanting to get out, just because of the heat. The grass (heat) is always greener on the other side........until you get there......

Here, it's not the's the humidity!!!LOL!!

Now, they don't call me "Heat Miser" for nuthin', but even I have my limits, and those conditions would surely be at the top of said limits!!!...

I don't know why, but I never use my A/C in my truck, even on the hottest days here!! Only one time recently I can think of...I was going to a funeral over an hour away and didn't want to look wind whipped when I got there. Otherwise I always just have the windows down!! Maybe it's the oldschooler in me, or my wanting to drive my cars, but I love to drive in the heat with the windows down, I just gotta be free!!!...