'76 Duster build thread or something...

Update: It's been windy as all hell for the past few weekends, preventing me from really doing anything crazy to her... But, that hasn't stopped me from making just a bit more progress.......

I am currently still turning the new speedo to the old speedo's mileage (mainly because I don't want to put it in until I know my wipers work, and they don't at the moment). Pulled the glovebox to get some more work room, still haven't put it back in yet...

Talking to my step-pops a few days ago (on their way to Aruba, lucky bastards), turns out he's got an 8-3/4" rear-end for me! Unfortunately, it's about 1500 miles away. Luckily, however, he has a brother in Texas, and might be able to have him bring it down for me the next time he makes the drive... He also says he might have a 727 TF kicking around somewhere (he's got a '70 Duster, first brand new car he ever bought himself, right after his Army Basic, and is a HUGE Mopar fan, as most of my home town is)... Hoping he also has a 360 4-barrel brand new from Mopar kicking around somewhere, which wouldn't surprise me. :D

Questions for the experts: Any info on the 8-3/4"? Is it gonna be the same BBP as my 7-1/4" in terms of length? I'm sort of hoping it would be an inch or two shorter on each side, thus accomodating my big fat 14x8 Ansens better without having to flip the axle? I love how she sits on the rear, was thinking of squatting the front but I need to play with the torsion bars and get new shocks in it before I can do such a thing)... I'd rather have the rear-end tucked away nicely than sky-high with enough room to put groceries in the wheel wells. :p

Also, after rewatching "Christine," I am very tempted to name this car thusly....

1. It's red and white
2. It's a Plymouth
3. It's possessing my body and soul
4. It's BADASS!
5. I wish it would fix itself. :(

- CK