1970 Dart First Restoration. Help Appreciated!

Ya, this is just a resto-mod. I want my body to look good but doesnt have to be factory spec. I dont have any stuff laying around for patches. I was told in another thread to look for some 10xx 18 gauge steel. Heard Lowes has some. Will start there. Actually, to save money, I plan on patching anything I can. Worst part of the car is the floor pans. I dont care if they stay factory. I dont have the factory seating anyhow. Someone threw in some buckets off of some other car and didnt support the inner mounting holes. Not sure what to do with seating. A design project Ill have to think about later.

I have the welding and mechanical skills but this is my first full car project. Im definitely gonna need some guidance as I go such as what steps to take and the little tricks of the trade. One question that has been in the back of my mind for future panel removal. Will I need to support my car, based on the areas I plan to fix, by tack welding in some support rods?

I appreciate the help! :blob: