Anyone Fully Plastidip their ride yet?

Well I am just curious if anyone has fully
plastidipped there ride yet. I am getting
interested in the kits from
My paint in my truck has been getting worse
and worse.
First my clear started peeling. Now with all
this moisture we have been getting its even
worse now. Also we've have some pretty bad
sand storms I have drove through that has
made the right side of my truck look pretty
bad. Last my fiancée back my truck into a
dumpster this past Sunday. Lol. So the truck
need a new paint job. As much as I would
like to repaint it I don't have a paint booth
available to me anymore. I am actually
considering the whole dipyourcar kits. Come
with all I would need and I could do it in a
garage. I see they have glossifiers and
metalizers that make the palstidips look
pretty nice.
I am looking forward to see what ya have.