Probably One of the Best Craigslist For Sale Right-Ups I've Ever Seen.

Pretty easy to pick things apart and beat people down on details they might not fully remember. It's a nice story and if isn't 100% accurate I'm sure it wasn't told to try and scam or deceive anyone. Take it for what it was meant to be a small piece of history about the car and relax a little. I had a good time reading the ad, it made me think about my grandfather and his old 67 Ford Fairlane that he loved so much.

Like most everyone else here I kind of want to adopt Princess as well. I agree with 65LoveAffair about the gender of the owner because when the young kids were asking about "burning rubber" the comment was "I did not know and had to ask them how to do it" I don't know any man at any age that doesn't know what burning rubber is. The owner is without a doubt a female.