Making old nuts, bolts and clips new again

This is what I do and its fast. I Glass bead them with new glass to prevent dulling using this method.
Smalls are done this way.

Get a deep steel pot and a old window screen.

Put the screen over the pot and make a bowl .

Pour yours smalls in. and push down gather the ends and turn it into a bag.

Put the blaster nozzle in the opening.

Pull the trigger and shake.

In seconds you will have all new hardware. Nothing works better then clean glass.

Using other methods the paint does not adhere it only coats with residue beneath. Glass not only cleans it sucks up the moisture if you have a dust system on your blaster.

Do not use Sand for bolts and clips. it impregnates the metal and destroys threads.

Glass also cleans chrome , rubber, aluminum, and many other items like new. it is not as abrasive as Sand