Latest 440 Source Stealth head set

But yet you guys do it every day. Not only with head porting but with whole engine setups. I dont mind helping out and I do it A LOT, for free. Then when I do spend hours upon hours on the phone, emails back and forth and someone wants to order a part and I get " Hell I can get it $XX cheaper of this guy on ebay, Sorry pal", that burns my ***. Pump me for all the info then pull it out right from under me. It happens all the time, but Im still here. Theres a reason why Indy is the way they are. You dont want to give them a lot of money for their time, they have no time for you. I choose to NOT be like that and just shake my head and wait for the next call or email.

Then there is the other end. I have had a few guys on here just send me $$$ for helping out, $20 or $30, but hell thats HUGE in my book. Didnt ask for it, but they felt the info provided was worth something.

Rant over ;)