Breathing new life into the 318 in the Scamp!

So, I underestimated the rise on the manifold and I'm going back to the drawing board on the kickdown/ throttle stuff.

I've got it figured out, but unfortunately, I've got to make some parts swaps with some stuff at work.

Lokar would be the obvious choice, but considering this transmission is getting pitched for a 5 speed sooner than later, I'm not going to get too spendy.

Just for the sake of taking one for the team, I'm going to try and develop a "bolt on" scenario to use a 2bbl kickdown linkage with stock geometry and adjustment, to keep it cheap and easy.

Anyway, question;

Yay or nay on this engine? -

I have one new with springs & lifters, collecting dust in a box. Set aside for a 360 build, but I'm wondering if I'd see any MPG help?