Still waiting for explanation from the state

Thanks for all who have responded. The state finally released both my state and federal income tax refunds. Not much but they paid for the luxury tax (personal property tax on cars) of $1182, and the new water heater. The old one is about 20 years old and leaking so bad but she held on for two months that way. The money helped buy some much needed clothes for the kids too.

My X had to appeal and that means going to the cirucuit court. We have a case against her there as of October but her "friends" told the process server she had moved and we could not get her served. Now, buy filing an appeal, she has served herself. Keep fingers crossed and praying. I might be able to get back the $3750.00 the state has taken in garnishments and we are suing for attorney fees too. If I win, it will be a blow against gold diggers and liars and for men who get crushed in the process. Plus some of you have items for sale I want and need and I'll finally be able to get them. Again, thanks for allowing me to post this.