That's it - 48 degrees on Thursday - I'm taking the Dart out

Heck, I been giving my Saturn baths in the driveway all winter long. Long as its sunny mid day and you move quickly, its not so bad. I figure I save $5 and wash it with cleaner water vs that filter recycled car wash water.

The winter wasn't really bad, just very long and gray. No real major snowstorms or deep freezes, just a long drag out winter. Now other places got way more snow, funny, we usually get more snow and Ohio gets less, not this winter.

Looks like my ride might being staying put for another week, next week is to get cold again--upper 30's before more rain showers. I have been seeing some old cars out on the road. I used to be one of the first ones out but now I've gotten old I guess. Haven't even seen my car since late Nov but I know its safe and sound. 9 more days I should be getting it out. Soon as I see it again and fire it up, I be "hook" again, lol