anybody on here ever feel overwhelmed with their project

Yep, I feel overwhelmed all the time on my projects. Having a handful of them doesn't help either. I have to try and keep focused on one or two cars at a time otherwise things really get out of control.

Make a list of things you need to do. Keep it short, you can always add to it. You can make it a list of things for the month, week, day if you have to. Then just do one thing at a time. Even if you just do something that takes 20 minutes, its something you don't have to do later and can check off the list. Especially when I start feeling overwhelmed or bummed out on a project, I keep my tasks short and easy. Maybe it only took me 30 minutes to paint up my speaker bracket and mount my dash speakers, but hey, I got something DONE. And it had to get done eventually, and I didn't spend the entire day in the shop. Any progress is good, even if it isn't the big part of the project. Heck, my Duster doesn't even have an engine it right now, but it has a really nice set of 4" speakers in the dash. Gotta do what you can do.