anybody on here ever feel overwhelmed with their project

Are you overwhelmed with the project, or overwhelmed with life? I hear you on the obligations. It gets me down at times. I go out to the garage though, when I am down, turn on some music, have a couple beers and putter on the car and my mind wanders from the stress of life. It is one of the only times when I really relax.

Pick away at it, one job at a time, and find some satisfaction in the small jobs you complete... And who cares, so the f what if you are in your 60's when it is done? My dad is in his 70's and still playing in the garage. enjoy the journey, not the destination.

You have a supportive wife and that is half the battle. to get your drive going again pick a small job that you would like to do on it and get started! Like the Johnny Cash song - one piece at a time.

My 2 cents, I feel your pain