Cleaning parts in the shower?

Yup the Mistress of Metal is giving some good info there.

If you do use silica sand at least wear a proper respirator with at the lowest a P95 or N95 filter but I use a P100 (HEPA) as I'm dealing with mould spores, silica, asbestos and lead particles. And have lots of ventilation to remove the dust if possible.

Silica can be some nasty stuff if you get exposed to enough of it....

Silicosis is a disease caused by the prolonged breathing of crystalline silica dust. Fine particles deposited in the lungs cause thickening and scarring of the lung tissue. Crystalline silica exposure has also been linked to lung cancer.
A worker may develop any of the following three types of silicosis, depending on the concentrations of silica dust and the duration of exposure:

Initially, workers with silicosis may have no symptoms. However, as the disease progresses a worker may experience:

These symptoms can worsen over time and lead to death.