I Had A Dream...Warning!! Mopar/ Bacon Content!!

Howdy all, cosgig here!! Just wanted to share with y'all a very strange dream I had last night....

See, I was with a guy I work with and his wife, and we were walking down this alley in some unknown town when we came upon a fish market and a meat market right next to each other. Apparently for some reason we needed something from the meat market so we went in, but they were busy so we were offered a booth to wait in until it was our turn. My buddy and his wife sat down but I thought I would browse around a bit and went up near the register, and on a shelf behind the counter was a stack of sales brochures, and on the cover was a picture of a 72 Duster completely wrapped in bacon, with two topless girls leaning on it!! Of course thats about all I remember about the dream, but it was enough!!

Now, I have been sick for the past few days and slept the entire day yesterday, and only got up to make a cup of soup. My Mom was over watching the kids for me, and she made Ian a BLT sandwich. It sure smelled good, and even though I was feeling like crap, before I went back upstairs to bed later I had ONE piece of bacon!! Man, that stuff is powerful!!

So, count me in with the bacon crowd...I mean, I liked the stuff before alright, but now??? Well, I know you bacon heads can understand!! I'm not even a Duster guy, but now I'm even rethinking that!!! Story over, I'm going back to bed to see how it all turns out!!! Geof