65 Barracuda Gasser + 1956 325 Dodge Hemi Build

It has been said that when life serves you lemons, make lemonade. We are officially in the lemonade business now.

Three weeks ago my yearly Dr. appointment yielded some unexpected results and after spending a week in the hospital trying to get it all figured out it boils down to this. I have been diagnosed with lymphoma. Seems something is messed up in my bone marrow. hmmmm.......I wonder what size wrench that will take to fix!! We are a family of great faith and believe in prayer. The Lord will see us through this........ 'cause hey, we're right in the middle of a hemi build here!!

Just returned from the engine room with some new pictures and more details.

As you can see we are in the mock-up stage with a few problems to address due to mixing old parts with new parts.....hey it is called Hot Rodding!!

TDC has been accurately found, the modern balance damper fits, but the marks are way off; you know that kind of stuff. The stock water pump has been rebuilt and it is a monster....take a look at that thing!

I made a step key to fit the stock crank to the new bal. damper and it works great.

Haven't put the front of the motor together yet as we are just fitting everything up.

All the pistons are from .023 to .027 (down) in the bores. Another pic shows the valley cover I fabbed to replaced the factory one....looks good!

My brother-in-law Rob has been wonderful through this whole thing and continues to be a source of strength for me...I am blessed.

I am not above asking complete strangers for prayer....so if you are so inclined I and my family would appreciate your kindness.

Enjoy the following pictures, with more to come.