How many hours to block sand?

How much metal work did you have to do? The more oanel replacements or patch panels you have will add time to the process. I have seen some cars that the metal work was crappy on that there was no way to ever make them look right. A good clean (as possible) slate is what you need before you are ready to start getting ready to prep for primer. Luickily most of the Oklahoma cars have mostly rust free bodies unless they have the dreaded cancer under the vinyl top.

Thanks 805, love your slant!

The only outside panel that didn't come with the car is the quarter panels which are after market, and have a little wave to them, I'll take some time and get the worst ripples/ dents out, they are small though. If you've seem my build, I've taken the time to get the metal as straight as possible. Everything is/will be stripped and cleaned, I'm starting from scratch. I'm thinking that primer should go on, and block straight without much of a fight.