HEI in a Mopar?

That's not what Bill is intimating. He's saying that the switched coil current caused by bypassing the ballast is too much for the box to sink. Frankly I tend to agree ON A STREET CAR as well as WHAT KIND OF BOX you are using.

In this day and age, there are MANY Mopar look--alike boxes.

First there were the ORIGINAL Gold, chrome, orange, etc boxes.

Then over the next 40 years there were the many many many many replacement boxes by both brand names such as Standard / Blue Streak and Echlin, and then THEY were dessimated by third world imports.

Last, the "traditional" MP and other orange/ gold/ chrome/ etc boxes may be suffering the same fate IE not being able to trace their heritage here lately.

So, old, pal, you go right ahead--- jumper out that uneeded ballast, jump in 'ol paint' and go out on the desert road.

The point is the box AND the coil might put up with this and they might not.