Meet up at the Nationals and at Carlisle

Announcement and Invite to FABO members for the
2013 Mopar Nationals and 2013 Chryslers at Carlisle

Mopar Nats 2013

Several of us FABO members are renting a 40 x 40 pole tent (room for about maybe 5 or 6 inside the tent plus space for another 19-20 outside) located in the fun field area next to the staging lanes. We plan on using this area to showcase our A-bodies as well as a meet and greet for FABO members. As in the past,
on a smaller scale, we will have refreshments on hand and all the bench racing and BS
that you can stand. If you have ever fought for a space to park in the fun field side @ the NATs, this 3-day "reserved parking" with your A-body buddies, providing shelter (leave your Easy-up at home) from the heat and weather could be just what you need.

Currently, we have 8 A-bodies committed to joining us with room for another 12. I am
asking for a paltry $40 per car (total for the three days) to help defray the costs. The
only other fee is your standard entry fee to the Mopar Nats people.

First come...first served.

Carlisle 2013

We also have rented a small club tent near the Midway for the Mopar event @ Carslisle.
Smaller scale, but we have room for several (up to 6 or 7) FABO guests to join
fee, just bring your Mopar

E-mail me if interested in joining us,
[email protected]