1970 Dart Swinger FINALLY UNDERWAY

Alright well I'll be swapping everything, got my bearing set and whatnot in today.

Funny, speaking of wasted military tools. I had to go in to my unit for the day today to make up for a training day I took off. Spent most of the morning running around with a skid loader moving scrap wood, metal, and rubber to their respective locations. Of course this gave me a chance to shuffle through the scrap metal crate while I was taking a smoke break. SCORE, busted up red tool box in the bottom and a metal drawer with some stuff. Ended up recovering two 1 1/2in deep well snap-on impact sockets along a specialized looking snap on wrench, not sure what it's purpose is but it's a 9/16. Got two spinner pliers, an allen key set, some other little odds and ends, and what appears to be a complete set of ratcheting 12 point wrenches. All made in the USA, they appear to be Imperial Stride, good stuff. I also found a handful of seal driver attachments but didn't grab them since they were wayyyy bigger than anything I would need.