need some advice and help here

I have used steel wool lightly to brighten up white letters. Looks good for a couple of weeks usually.
You have the exact same Am racing centerline rims I have. I contacted, A.R. the centercaps are no longer made! Mine are plastic, with a cheap coating that is peeling off badly. I guess I will attempt to paint them with chrome spray paint.
i don't like steel wool and this is why,i repair fork lifts ,one my accounts makes steel wool and sos pads,one the managers there is car guy and i met up at cruise night with him.after seeing my car ,he said your useing steel wool on your white walls ,i can tell because of the yellowing of the tire.i said cant seem to keep them clean.he said the fibers from steel wool stick to the white rubber and then it rust, causeing the yellowing. just thought this is good info. to pass on