New Dart - opinions wanted

Thanks again- I've been out looking at other cars, either to replace this one or as a body donor... and the results have not been good. It seems more and more that I got a good deal and a reasonable starting point with this car.

One in particular- a '67 Dart 270- was billed as "rust free" and "a driver." "All the electronics work." Etc.... Yeah right. One listen and I knew the motor was hurt (#3 was out). Underneath- no rust, but COVERED IN OIL. The trunk was rusted right under the rear window and virtually through near the seams. The body was good otherwise, and yes it's a good starting point. BUT NOT FOR $5000.

I'm working on a motor for this one, and hopefully it will be ready by the time I get through the brakes and suspension. Then my friends and I will start with that rust spot and the dents. The vinyl is a question mark, but I from what I can tell it's at least mostly OK underneath. I also picked up the car's spare K member, power steering box, and rear bumper this weekend (part of the deal). The bumper alone was worth the trip. It's pretty nice.