Help me win this argument 400 in a 72.

yes to all you mentioned.

I own my 2nd of 2 440 Darts. i've owned 3 Darts total. One 68 adn two 69's. There is nothing to it. Headers are easier on a BB than on a Sb in an A body. There isn't a crazy weight difference when it's all said and done. Less than 100lbs if you are looking at a 360

One thing that wil not fit that you didn't mention is the driveshaft. It has to be cut. (About 100-150$) at your local machine shop)

Schumacher makes the headers and the mounts you will need.

Engine Weights for reference.

Mopar 273-340 "A" V8 525Lbs

Mopar 360 "A" 550Lbs

Mopar 400B V8 620

Why would a 360 weigh more than a 340?