What does the temp gauge represent?

I wasn't trying to tell him that everything was fine, but about the temp his guage is showing.
Do note that the 3rd diagram is only about half way up the guage range, not showing hot just because the needle is leaning that way from straight up and down.
And of course he'll have to figure out what it is actually doing, but if I lived in Cal at this time of year and my guage went up to where the third diagram showed, I wouldn't be too worried if thats all it did.
That was my point.

And No you are not wrong. :-)
I know you wasn't trying to tell him that everything was but I was merely using you as a "case in point" example. I agree as far as everything else you say, a California car will definitely run warmer than mine lol!

BTW, thanks for confirming my information to be correct. I always worry when I give advice like that because of my age and experience. I haven't been around the block for 50+ years like some of the old salts on here and I trust anybody who's knows correct will set me straight regardless of age. Gotta love this site!:glasses7: