engine paint..'69 340

Oh man, will the 1969 340 engine color controversy ever die?

I have a Chrysler document that spelled out what was coming for the 1969 model year. One section listed the paint color for every engine used in 1969. The 340 was listed as being turquoise.

I have owned two 1969 'cuda 340's. (used not new) One car built in April and the other in June, 1969. Both engines were some shade of blue. (due to years of heat/fading it was hard to determine exactly what shade) The first one I got when it was 10 years old and the engine was corporate blue. But it had been cosmetically repainted on the outside surfaces. Overspray in areas that were protected from a casual repaint looked to be turquoise. I've also seen several very high quality 1969 resto 340's and a survivor at major Mopar shows with turquoise paint.

1. Because I have seen no evidence of red or orange paint on my two 340's.
2. I have a copy of a Chrysler document from the summer of 1968 that says 1969 340's will be turquoise.
3. My 1969 'cuda 340 is going to be turquoise unless I see proof otherwise. (If it ever gets that far :-)


1. a prolonged public dispute, debate, or contention; disputation concerning a matter of opinion.
2. contention, strife, or argument.