Radio bezel 66 dart gt

Looking for a radio bezel for a 1966 dart gt convertible.

do you need it with A/c controls or with the regular heater slides? The reason I'm asking is I'm trying to get a guy I know to cast me a bezel for my other convertible. (it might take a bit since he does this stuff in his spare time and he ain't fast) it took him 1 month to cast the convertible top switch plastic piece for me and he forgot to smooth out the glued together spot :banghead: ,but for 20.00 for a hard to get part it worked for me! I sanded it down and polished it up nice then pained it black.. looks good now. Then I realized I'm not going to use that piece on my car but am going to use it on the wife's car. so it's sitting on the Wife's parts GOT RACK instead of parts wanted list.

so I might be able to get one made for ya.
I have mine out at the spray chromers right now and it looks like I can get the complete dash Sprayed in chrome for 175.00 total. if it looks good then it'll be worth it. if it looks bad then I just wasted 175.00. I have seen some of his work and it looks pretty good for a startup company. not perfect mind you but really good.
the other one has regular heater slides but was hacked up by the previous owner. Mine is good and he'll use that as a mold. but it has A/C controls I'm looking at another piece that has heater slides.
here's the 270 with heater slides bezel that I had bought thinking it would work, forgot about the Ridge on the passenger side. the ones on either side have been hacked at the radio bezel so are no good except as spare pieces to repair one with.
View attachment DSCF3756.jpg
I'm just waiting on him to get back with me on a price when I find a good bezel.