Exploding Torqueflight

A few notes - first - heal up quick Jim - that is a very fortunate injury. Many have lost body parts - you "only" broke them.
Next - the "bolt in sprag" is not good enough. The issue is the number of rollers and the bolt in sprag is a factory part. The issue is not spinning in the case - which is what the bolts prevent. It's the rollers being overpowered and their supprts laying over rendering the sprag useless and starting the timer on the bomb. You need the Super Sprag which has a lot more rollers and can take a lot more abuse.
Next - the explosion energy comes from the factory powdered metal front drum. The way to take away that energy is run the billet drum. That will not reach the rpm it would take to explode.
Last - the CSR shield has a history of failing and allowing parts to exit "up and away". Do a search on torquefilte explosions and that sheild...
If you race hard, and if you do not buy the super sprag AND billet drum, then you should at least buy and wrestle with the blanket. It may not be life or death - but it WILL be serious pain and possibly permanent disability and big repairs on the vehicle.