Speaking of bicycles

I remember when I was seven or eight years old. My family was shopping at May Company. Seen the coolest bike ever at that time and boy did I want it bad. This bike looked just like a motorcycle. Had full on suspension, knobby tires, gas tank, plastic dirt bike fenders, and a motorcycle style seat. I'm guessing this was about 1977 plus or minus a year or two. I don't remember exactly how much it cost but it was a lot, maybe a couple hundred dollars. So of course I never did get one.

Cleaning out my uncles bike shop I came across one. My uncle had been in business for probably 30 years and had to retire due to health. Not only did he sell new bikes but he had a nice collection of vintage BMX bikes and Schwinns in his shop on display. He hit all the local yard sales and would pick up bikes and accessories of interest to him, along with taking in some of these older bikes on trade.

So anyways I just thought it was really cool to see this bike I lusted after thirty five plus years ago and never had. This one is missing the tank but otherwise is in ok condition considering.

Anybody know anything about these Kent KMX 750 bikes or have a tank? I'm thinking they probably aren't worth much like the older BMX bikes or the older schwinn stingrays.