You know you're a Texan when...

For all of my life, I've always been told that Texas is the greatest, most American place in all of the USA........

I get stationed here, and it couldn't be further from the truth! D:<

Still, I think Whataburger and the vast selection of rust-free Mopars more than makes up for your lack of Freedom, nasty tasting tap water, outrageously priced tattoo parlors, and discrimination towards motorcyclists...


((And yes, all of you non-Nortakotans have been spelling and pronouncing it WRONG!! It's "Nortakota." The S is silent! Also, nobody can seem to figure out how to pronounce the name of Lewis & Clark's native American female guide..... Also, the best Mexican food is found at the Taco John's on 3rd and Bowen in Bismarck, ND...))

- CK