Possible dead Pertronix?? no start.

I had a no start yesterday. I drive the car 2-3 times a week and never had failure.

No spark. Checked coil, wire, cap, rotor, air gap.
I have 12 volts to coil even hot wired it to battery just in case.
Put 12 volts direct to coil and I did the spark plug in coil wire trick and have ****NO****spark.

The issue looks like (one year old) Ignitor II.

Now I'm rethinking my ignition setup. I already have modified the mechanical advance and hate to start over. I have another worn/sloppy points distributor for a spare. Stock engine, maybe a stock MOPAR electronic distributor is in order.

Did I mess anything?

Can I use the Flame Thrower II .6 ohm with the points and with or without ballast?

Anybody else had Pertronix fail?
