Wagner Rear Brake Shoes

I recall always needing that pin, indeed it usually came separate and you had to press it in, or even re-use the pin from the old shoes. As I recall, the self-adjuster and its torsion spring fit on that pin. There is an old-style and a new-style self-adjuster, but I recall both use that pin. I switched to the new-style on my 65 Dart since easier to get the hardware kit and the over-ride spring is an improvement. Search here and you can find photos of the drum brake assembly.

Finally, a tip if your first time. The brake shoe set has 2 different length linings on the shoes. The short linings are the front shoes. The gomer who installed the new shoes in my 64 Valiant just before I bought it had all long shoes on one side and all short on the other side. Maybe they meant to circle-track race the convertible.