Question: Ignition and T4 universal wiring kit

@67Dart273: Sorry, meant stock ignition switch. I don't have a problem making a new switch fit but if I don't have to...

So essentially from what I'm understanding I can just run spare ACC wires to IGN1 and IGN2. They will only be complete circuits when the key is in that particular position. Is that right?

Now you've confused me AGAIN. You don't want to intertie the ACC and IGN1/2 wires, as then it would run with the switch in any position.

The factory Mopar switches have SEVERAL separate switches inside the "can" that we call the switch, all of which are distinctly separate

ACC, hot in both run and ACC, feeds power to switched fuse buss

RUN, or IGN1, hot only in run.

"Bypass" or IGN2, hot only in start

"Start" normally yellow, feeds crank power to start relay

I see no real reason to go to the trouble of changing the switch to a different type. Last I knew, you could still buy replacement switches. If not, that might be a reason.