I bought an mg today

Nothing wrong with them, they're fun little cars. You do need to learn your way around the mechanicals on the car, they're a bit different and do need some fairly frequent tweaking to keep them in shape.

I daily drove a '56 Austin Healey 100 for several years while I was in school, I was doing 60 miles a day with it. Drove the same car 24 hrs one way from California to Silver Star, BC Canada and back without a hitch, and made several NorCal to SoCal trips with it in college.

A '74 won't have much if anything in the way of whitworth hardware on it, that was mainly the early ones. By '74 they should be almost entirely standard hardware. Webers are actually the performance set up for those cars, although I'm not much of a Weber expert, I ran dual 1 3/4" SU's on mine.

People talk a lot of crap about the Brit cars, especially on the maintenance side of things. They are "unique", but once you've learned how to speak their "language" they do just fine. Most of the people that complain don't have the foggiest idea of how to work on them. Just like people that trash talk Mopars, its usually because they don't know what they're talking about.