internally balanced 360 crank (BIG PROBLEM) need input

I agree with mad dart. I would get a refund on whatever you paid him and if he doesn't play then sue him. Thats total BS. :wack:

Just for your own knowledge, the counter weight in the pictures runs very close to the oil pump. Anyone who has ever built a 360 knows what I am talking about. Sometimes the oil pump will need to be ground to clear the crank counter weight. The piece that you see floating around came from somewhere else. I have seen people weld mallory metal (a very heavy dense metal used in balancing of cranks) in the counter weight like yours was and it will fling out from centrifugal force at 7k rpm. No pro would do that to an engine. The metal needs to be added to the counter weight from the side so that it has no way to escape. The counter weight where you thought that piece was welded to is actually a slug of mallory metal still intact on the crank. Red flag number one. Mad dart is right build it yourself, its actually very easy and rewarding. Plus you will save a ton of dough.