mph to low maybe wrong gears?

Me too.

If my input may help, I'll toss it in the fray. You won't see me saying much in turbo or FI threads. Not my bag. I'll tell someone, I don't know, before ever coming up with a baffle them with BS answer.

Lots of ways to do this stuff. I think pinion snubbers are band aid junk, best used as door stops to let a breeze in the shop. Especially when there are plenty of cars running 10's and better using SS springs and no snubber in sight. Others think they are vital and must be used because a 40 YO manual says so. It's all in the set up.

Pick your parts, pay your money.

I don't remember for sure but I think we may have had a difference of opinion a time or two, but STILL, I have no doubt you have a good experience and contribute good info, and I couldn't agree more on the pinion snubber issue. Oh yeah, I remember now, I believe it was over the 4 link, ladder bar, caltrac issue. Either way, I value your opinion as I do others. I've been a pro mechanic for over 37 years and been racing just as long and I will always, always listen and take into account another experienced opinion. Hell even new guys come up with new ideas from time to time. I love to learn and pride myself on not being close minded. It's all good. To ask for help and then behave like that is counterproductive.

Chill out my friend. BTW do you own a dog? They are great at teaching life lessons.