The story on the Javelin race that broke my car

"What the f*** are you talking about? He had a baby on board and started the race, not me. He didn't take it easy and I won. If you would like to come see me in person, I'll be happy to beat some man into you, you idiot."

Really? "He started it"? And, you still went along with it? Wow. Really GREAT judgment on your part. Next time you see a baby on board, see if you can exercise some common sense and make the choice not to race. It's called making the right choice. Being and idiot is being an idiot, and you're defending an idiotic decision, as well as bragging about it. Grow up. If you want to race someone, take it to the track. Glad you won the race. Super glad neither of you made any stupid mistakes while there was a baby in the midst. And, seriously, "he started it"? What, are you like 16 years old going on 5 years old? Kindergarten is behind you. Learn to act like a man. As a mother, I would NEVER want someone racing while there was a baby on board. Also, if you want to beat some sense into someone, direct it towards yourself. When you act the fool, you will be addressed as the fool.